CSOP Units

Benefits of the KWFT CSOP Units
Value of the Company: The value of the company is growing and the trend is showing an upward move.
Partial Ownership: The units give partial ownership of the company to the customers. The unit holders are not only customers' but also shareholders of the Bank.
Dividends: The unit holders will receive growing dividends for a lifetime.
Taxation: The units attract a benefit in taxation since dividends are subjected to withholding tax only and which is the final tax.
Transferable: The units are, and can be handed over to future generations.
Share Split Advantage: The units have an advantage of share split and opportunity for rights issue in the future.
Re-invest Dividends: The units give one a chance to re-invest dividends received and this increases the wealth which is in line with KWFT Mission.
Profitability: The company projects profitability and promises long-term rewards.
Better Opportunities: CSOP membership gives the customer opportunities to enjoy other life touching products of the Bank.
Wealth Growth: Investing in the CSOP units is a good way to grow your wealth in the long term.